

Visiting Scholar Program - Past Visiting Scholars

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Past Visiting Scholars

Ning Jackie Zhang, PhD, FGSA

zhang“I feel the knowledge, skills, and networking I gained during this one year will benefit me. I strongly recommend this program to colleagues who are interested in seeking opportunities for career, leadership, and network development. Personally, I had opportunities to be involved with projects from all departments and programs of GSA, including conferences, journals, publications, aging policy, strategy, planning, and the China Initiative. The GSA leadership and all staff members are dedicated to fully support this program, which creates tremendous opportunities for the visiting scholar to engage in unique projects and program development.”

GSA's first visiting scholar was Ning Jackie Zhang, PhD, of the University of Central Florida. During the 2011 to 2012 academic year, he worked on GSA's China Initiative, which seeks to foster the development of collaborations between gerontologists in the U.S. and China.


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