GSA Policy Profile Podcasts
GSA Policy Profile: A GSA on Aging Podcast Series — GSA Policy Profiles provide insights into current aging-related policy issues from those at the forefront working to develop evidence-based policy.
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The State of Medical Use of Cannabidiol in Older Adults in 2023
The use of cannabis among older adults is increasing in the United States. While cannabis use has been suggested to help alleviate chronic symptoms experienced by older adults, its potential adverse effects may lead to unintended consequences, including increased acute healthcare utilization related to its use. This GSA Policy Profile delves into what has happened in the environment since 2021 when GSA published Medical Use of Cannabidiol in Older Adults, which was based on a convening of experts in pharmacy, clinical medicine, research, law, and policy.
Additional resources:
Common Terminology & Glossary (April 2023 Version)
Cannabis Infographic
FDA Regulation of Cannabis and Cannabis-Derived Products, Including Cannabidiol (CBD)
![]() Host: Patricia M. "Trish" D'Antonio, BSPharm, MS, MBA, BCGP Vice President, Policy and Professional Affairs, The Gerontological Society of America. |
This podcast episode is supported by Jazz Pharmaceuticals.
The State of Obesity Care: Better Policies for Older Adults
A chronic and often untreated disease, obesity has emerged over the past half century as a major source of morbidity and mortality in the United States and many other countries worldwide. Despite the recognition of obesity as a chronic disease, public policies limit access to a full range of obesity care services for many individuals who would benefit from comprehensive, interdisciplinary care for their disease—including older adults. In fact, within the Medicare population, reimbursements are available for intensive behavioral therapy and nutritional counseling provided by primary care physicians and for bariatric surgery. This GSA Policy Profile episode provides listeners with major policy initiatives currently being sought for comprehensive obesity care, addresses barriers to implementation of these initiatives, and provides valuable insights into how we care encourage policymakers to make addressing obesity a priority.
Additional resources:
H.R. 1577 – Treat and Reduce Obesity Act of 2021
S. 596 – Treat and Reduce Obesity Act of 2021
This podcast episode is supported by Novo Nordisk and was developed by The Gerontological Society of America (GSA).
Impact of the New FDA Regulation on Hearing Aids for Older Adults
Research shows the impact of poor hearing and hearing loss on older adults – such as poor daily communication, cognitive decline, depression, and social isolation. We know that all too often the high cost of hearing aids, which have not been covered by Medicare, discouraged millions of Americans from buying the devices. In fact, it is estimated that only about one-fifth of Americans with hearing loss get help. New FDA regulation that takes effect in October provides for hearing aids to be sold over the counter without a prescription. This episode provides an overview of this new regulation and its potential for positive impact on the lives of older adults.
This podcast episode is supported by the GSA Innovation Fund.